2PM Nichkhun, Kerd Awards Nominee in Thailand
2PM Nichkhun, nominated for Thailand Kerd Awards Grand Prize
- Thailand’s famous talk show host, Woody’s Kerd Awards
- The awards that picks up the most influential person in each field
- Attends the award on the 30th of March.
Nichkhun of 2PM has been nominated at the Kerd Awards in Thailand.
Kerd Awards is the award hosted by Woody, who is taking the lead of the famous talk show named after his name. Kerd awards is bringing the most influential person in each of the 7 fields (Born to grasp the main scene, Born to be famous, Born to be a comedian, Born to be pop, Born to be a giver, Born to be together, Born to be hot). The Kerd of the Year, which is the grand prize of the award, has the people nominated of whom had the most influential activities. The vote for the Kerd of the Year is done through methods like SMS via local cell phones in Thailand.
Nichkhun has broadened his activities from being a member of 2PM, the boy band, as well as being a model for various advertisements and an actor in Thailand. He was nominated for the Kerd of the Year, and left for Thailand on the eve of 29th, to attend the awards.
Nichkhun has said that he was overwhelmed and felt nervous to be nominated for such a big prize, aside from being grateful for being invited at such a grand awards. He also said that just being a nominee was thankful and glorious enough. Further he thanked for his fans for always supporting and cheering for him.
The details of the awards could be found at www.woodytalk.com , and Nichkhun is to return to Korea after attending the awards on the 30th.
Meanwhile, 2PM is having their official fan meeting on April 1st.
2PM닉쿤, 태국 커드어워드 노미네이트
2PM 닉쿤, 태국 커드어워드 대상 후보올라
- 태국 유명 토크쇼 진행자 ‘Woody(우디)’의 Kerd Awards
- 태국에서 각부문의 영향력 있는 사람을 뽑는 시상식
- 30일 시상식 참석
2PM의 닉쿤이 태국 ‘Kerd Awards(커드 어워드)’의 후보로 선정되었다.
Kerd Awards는 태국의 유명 엔터테이너이자 자신의 이름을 딴 유명토크쇼를 진행하는 Woody(우디)가 개최하는 시상식이다. 음악, 코미디 등 7개 부문(Born to grasp the main scene, Born to be be famous, Born to be a comedian, Born to be pop, Born to be giver, Born to be together, Born to be hot)에서 태국내 가장 영향력 있는 사람을 비롯하여 대상 격인 Kerd of the Year(커드 오브더 이어)는 한해 동안 태국에서 가장 영향력 있는 활동을 펼친 사람이 후보로 오르게 되며, 투표는 태국 현지 휴대폰을 이용한SMS 등을 통해 이루어진다.
2PM의 멤버로 가수활동은 물론, 태국 현지에서 다양한 제품의 광고모델을 비롯하여 최근 영화배우로도 데뷔한 닉쿤은 대상에 해당하는 Kerd of the Year의 후보로 선정, 29일 밤 시상식 참석을 위해 태국으로 출국 한 것으로 알려졌다.
닉쿤은 “이처럼 큰 시상식에 초대받는 것 만으로도 영광스러운데, 큰상의 후보에 오르게 되어 너무 벅차고 긴장된다. 후보에 오른 것 만으로도 무척 감사하고, 영광스럽다.”고 벅찬 소감을 전하며 “늘 저를 응원해주시는 팬 분들께 감사할 따름이다. 감사드린다.”고 덧붙였다.
한편 2PM은 4월 1일 팬 미팅을 앞두고 있다.
cr ; JYP Entertainment on FB